Delivered 50+ Knowledge Management projects to develop results-oriented knowledge sharing networks and communities of practice across business units, customers and suppliers on business, functional and process improvements to acquire customers, grow revenues, reduce costs and eliminate risks.
As chairman of the the General Practitioner Centre I was involved – from 2006 until present - in the development of a integrated organization First Aid (including the General Practitioner Centre). The new organization is located in a new building within the Amstelland Hospital, Amstelveen, The Netherlands.
Improve – from September 2012 to April 2013 - the individual (knowledge) productivity of homecare workers by enhancing the planning processes and ‘tweeking’ the organization towards creating ‘moments of value for their clients’. Improve the profit rate of the entire company
The Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI) is an agency of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is based in The Hague, The Netherlands. As part of its Human Resources Development programme, CBI organizes practical training courses to improve the capabilities and competences of foreign Business Support Organizations (BSOs). Within this programme ZeroSpace Advies BV has delivered in 2009 and 2010 in Bolivia the programme: “Knowledge Managementat IBCE: Beyond Organizational Limits”.
Identify - From October 2007 to February 2008 - the Key Knowledge and Expertise Areas for developing a Global Retail unit , determine the knowledge elements, design its organizational form and estimate the value of the “body of knowledge” available and the future requirements to design the optimal organizational form that adds value to the company as a whole.
Identify - From April 2007 to July 2007 - the Key Knowledge and Expertise Areas for developing an Expertise Centre, determine the knowledge elements, design its organizational form and estimate the value of the “body of knowledge” available and the future requirements to keep this Expertise Centre “alive”.
Identify - from May 2006 to October 2006 - the Key Knowledge and Expertise Areas for the Dutch Special Education Sector, determine the knowledge elements and estimate the value of the “body of knowledge”. Develop a knowledge map and develop, in co-creation with the WEC Raad, a vision document.
Determine - from September 2005 to December 2005 - the Key Knowledge Areas for the organization. Prioritize the selected areas according to added value to the current performance. Develop a knowledge framework and install an action plan.
A university library on its way towards the ‘present future’. By now, the majority of libraries provide information resources and services in electronic as well as physical forms. We have jointly started - From March 2003 to June 2003 - a journey and co-created a core portfolio of library services, products and processes for a university library in the 21st Century. We have expanded its purpose, mission, vision, ambition and core strategy. A ‘brand’ new value proposition arose for both the current physical library and the digital library of the future. We supported and stimulated this re-imagining process.
Determine - from March 2000 to August 2000 - the key subject areas of the Knowledge Economy of the Netherlands. Identify the specific investment areas to transform the Netherlands into a prosperous country in the 21st Century.
ChemCo initiated - from June 1998 to February 1999 - a project entitled “Creating Communities, A Membership Approach to Enhancing Business Value”. The primary objective of the project was to implement communities worldwide within a Global Knowledge Management Framework to turn company knowledge into value.
Within this project, Frank Lekanne Deprez was the project leader of the team that acted as a Centre of Excellence and provided a project team supporting the Director Knowledge Sharing of the chemical company. We have jointly set up a global knowledge management framework for introducing new working methods. One of the key levers for establishing new ways of working was the introduction and implementation of virtual communities.